Bornholm, Penyllan Brewery og Jessica Andersen får i dag ordet i interviewserien #OrdetErJeres. Interviewseriens fokus er dansk øl og håbet om at fortælle en positiv historie midt i en ellers udfordrende tid, hvor kampen for overlevelse er åbenbar hos de fleste danske bryggerier, barer og ølbutikker. Interviewene er en del af #CraftBeerAid2020 som vi hos BeerBloggersDK taget initiativ til.
Jessicas svar er på engelsk, da hun er fra Australien. Vi har valgt ikke at oversætte dem, da nuancer i sproget kan gå tabt i denne proces. Skulle sproget volde problemer, vil vi opfordre til at bruge Google Translate. Here goes…
- Hvordan har den praktiske hverdag i butikken ændret sig den seneste måned?
- “So it has been an interesting month, to say the least. We have gone from what looked like a really exciting year for Penyllan to a very forceful full stop. We had a few big international orders cancel and then the rest of our distributors say that they are not buying for a while. Selling lots to losing 95% of our customers was a bit of a shock. The brewery work hasn’t changed much other than we have stopped brewing BeerHere as we have a few tanks full and so now I just get to concentrate on blending and bottling Penyllan beers. Winning! We also decided to make and give away hand sanitizer for free from the brewery shop as we had the ingredients on hand and people have been silly with hoarding. We were also going to be open in our brewery bar and shop over Easter as that is the start of the tourist season here and now that start won’t happen. It is a big loss to Bornholm and the tourist industry here. We have no idea what the season will be like this year.
- Hvilke nye tiltag og tanker har den nuværende situation medfødt hos jer
- “I think we realize how fragile our industry is and support for each other is key. We told most of our customers to hold off paying us if then needed to. We would rather them keep their money now when they might NEED it over the next few months. They will pay us when they can. I would rather they survive because without customers we do not have a business. We have already lost a huge customer with the Kadeau group going under and that is scary. Also very sad as they are friends and had some incredible restaurants. It is going to take time when everything is reopened, for people to get back out and life to come back to normal again. Bars, shops and distributors are going to start up slowly and we hope they all survive this period.”
- Hvad ser I om noget den nuværende situation bibringe af positivt til branchen eller jer selv på sigt?
- “IPA’s will be bright and clear again as the majority of brewers are keeping them in tank Yay! And hopefully this silly trend of only wanting to drink week old IPA’s will relax and people will realize that a good IPA can last a lot longer.
- It is hard to say something else positive that is going to come out of this. I think what we will see that some places won’t survive which is incredibly depressing. But I do think it has brought us closer together as an industry and made people think a bit outside the box. Especially for most of us who don’t sell to supermarket chains.”
- Hvad ser I allermest frem til på den anden side af corona-krisen?
- “Cuddles. I love cuddling my hubby but I can’t wait to be out and about and give cuddles to friends again. Even if they don’t want me to. Force Cuddles!!! And maybe some face licks for people without beards. Oh, and drinking at bars. I miss drinking in bars.”
- Har I noget spændende på bedding, som vi må tease for
- “I have a couple of new beers that will be ready soon. They were bottled about six months ago so they are getting close now. Also, having all this time on our hands because we are doing no selling anymore, means we get to have fun making things like our little April Fools video. We are also looking at making a series of videos about stuff and junk but we will tell you more about that soon when we make some more decisions about them.”
Jessica fik lige to ekstra spørgsmål, da hun selv havde foreslået at der kom et par stykker der ikke handlede om bryggeriet.
- What are you drinking while writing the answers to this?
- “Vermouth, red wine, and sparkling water.”
- Most Pathetic meal you have eaten during this time?
- “I don’t do pathetic meals. But we have been having fun playing Mystery Box with our fridge and freezer. Just having to take what we have, sometimes it is a mystery meat from the freezer, and creating something tasty.”
Penyllan beskæftiger sig med fadlagrede syrlige øl og er derfor ikke så presset af tidsfaktoren i at øllet skal serveres hurtigt efter at det er brygget…men som alle andre skal de jo også have noget salg for at forretningen kan køre. Derfor er mantraet fra stadig: #SammenHverForSig #DrikUdeHjemme og #DrikDansk
Mange tak til Penyllan og Jessica Andersen for svar til vores interviewserie #OrdetErJeres – en del af #CraftBeerAid2020.
Læs med i morgen når endnu en aktør på den danske ølscene får ordet!
(Billedemateriale venligst udlånt af Penyllan Brewery – Dagens tekst er skrevet af A Word On Beers)
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